

全国大会(National convention)

日時 2019年10月21日(月)Date and time: Monday, October 21, 2019
場所 静岡グランシップ Place: Shizuoka Granship


English translation

Shizuoka Prefectural Barbers' Association held a national convention.The theme is "hospitality".20 members of the Fuji Barber Union participated. We were assigned to each department and operated with care for "hospitality".As a result, we received words of appreciation from players, officers, and cheering squads from all over the country.In the content of the competition, I was impressed by the players who practiced without sleep every day, and the world championship champion was born from athletes in the prefecture.


日時 2023年8月20日(日)Date: Sunday, August 20, 2023
会場 富士山メッセ Venue: Fujisanmesse




English translation

Kids Jobs 2023
Let's experience work, learn, and find our future selves!

Due to the influence of measures against new coronavirus infection, we participated in "Kids Job 2023" for the first time in 4 years. The total number of visitors (over the two days) was about 4,600. At the Barber Union, a total of more than 120 children experienced learning experience.
 It was an event in the heat, but we were able to finish it successfully. Thank you to all the participating staff (4 from the headquarters, 4 from the IT department, Mr. Mochizuki) for your participation.

It was heartwarming to see them learning a lot of things such as experiencing hair clippers, trying cutting with scissors, and setting with a dryer and iron.
 As you grow, you will be able to do more things, and your interests will also change. The smiles of the children left a lasting impression on the event.

理容ボランティア(Barber volunteer)




English translation

The Fuji Barber Union participates in a blood donation volunteer at the Kakitagawa Blood Donation Center every September. Even today, when medical technology has advanced, blood cannot be made artificially and cannot be stored for a long time. In addition, there is an upper limit to the number of times and amount that one person can do in a year to protect the health of blood donors. Therefore, it is necessary for many people to cooperate continuously throughout the year in order to deliver stable blood products to patients. In addition, the blood donation rate of the young generation is decreasing, and it may not be possible to secure the necessary blood volume in the future. Your cooperation is essential to support the blood donation base of encouragement. Please cooperate when approaching for patients who need a little more blood transfusion.







English translation

I joined Kids Job on August 18, 2019. As shown in the photo, there were over 130 people, including one hour of waiting time for the experience.I am glad that many children were interested in the barber profession. Some children have the ability to treat hair clippers as a professional.


公衆衛生(public health)


English translation

You will receive a certificate of completion when you attend a health center class. Labeling is mandatory.



English translation

The slide show content will be the main disinfection. If you do not do this, you will not be licensed.