
当店の新型コロナウイルス予防対策:Our new coronavirus prevention measures



It's the end of April, but I think it's still every day under the threat of new viruses. My barber, who has a perfect disinfection satellite, must take further preventive measures. As a measure of our shop, we would like to put the following items in mind and connect with the safety and security of our customers.

  • 器具の徹底した消毒:Thorough disinfection of equipment
  • 店舗内の消毒作業の徹底:Thorough disinfection work in the store
  • 店舗内の空気洗浄:Air cleaning in the store
  • 来店時の手指の消毒:Disinfection of fingers when visiting the store
  • 作業時のマスクの着用:Wearing a mask when working
  • 上記5項目の徹底:Thorough implementation of the above 5 items

◎5・6月の営業に関して:Regarding sales in May and June


From May 1st to May 10th, we will be closed for infection control.


Please make a complete reservation from May 11th to May 31st and take measures to prevent infection by time difference work.


It will be open from June 1st.
