

connsept:Connect tomorrow-connect to the future


 通常、別料金のお店が大半ですが、当店ではサービスです。大事な髪の毛 ”未来につなげよう” の発想からです。そして他のお店には無い”特別なプラスワンサービスを”の気持ちを大事に営業致しております。

English translation

The interior is inspired by the Showa era and is a space where you can relax. We propose sophisticated styles to suit the hair quality and needs of our customers. At our shop, with the concept of "connecting to tomorrow-connecting to the future", we consider the customer as the number one priority and operate. We also carry out treatments such as changing shampoo according to the condition of the customer's scalp. Normally, most shops are charged separately, but this is a service at our shop. This is from the idea of important hair, "Let's connect to the future." And we value the feeling of "special plus one service" that no other stores have.


当店の特長:Our features

子育て支援:Child care support


English translation

High school students, junior high school students, elementary school students, etc. are working outside the office hours to support customers who are difficult to visit during business hours in club activities or cram schools.
(Night 19: 00-22: 00) Pick-up (pick-up ⇒ our shop ⇒ transfer)
☆ Note: This is a complete reservation. (Please reserve with enough time.)
Example: If the reservation date is 10/21 / Pm20: 00, the minimum is 3 days before (10/18) and the maximum is 1 month (9/21).


教育支援:Education support


English translation

Based on the experience of a learning contact instructor and a vocational lecturer, we also conduct initiatives to advise on learning mechanisms and educational mechanisms.